Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith

  • Paperback
  • Over 200,000 copies sold!

In Catholicism: A Journeying to the Heart of the Organized religion, Bishop Barron seeks to capture the trunk, heart and mind of the Cosmic faith.   Starting from the essential foundation of Jesus Christ's incarnation, life, and teaching, Bishop Barron moves through the defining elements of Catholicism – from sacraments, worship, and prayer, to Mary, the Apostles, and Saints, to grace, salvation, heaven, and hell – using his distinct and dynamic grasp of art, literature, architecture, personal stories, Scripture, theology, philosophy, and history to nowadays the Church to the world.

Paired with his documentary film series of the aforementioned title, Catholicism is an intimate journey, capturing "The Cosmic Thing" in all its depth and beauty. Eclectic, unique, and inspiring, Bishop Barron brings the faith to life for a new generation, in a style that is both true-blue to timeless truths, while simultaneously speaking in the language of contemporary life.

About the book, Bishop Barron says, "What I suggest to do in this book is to accept you on a guided exploration of the Catholic world, simply not in the manner of a docent, for I am not interested in showing you lot the artifacts of Catholicism every bit though they were dusty objets d'fine art in a museum of civilization.  I want to function rather equally a mystagogue, conducting you ever deeper into the mystery of the incarnation in the hopes that y'all might be transformed by its power."

Author: Robert Barron
ISBN: 978-0-307-72052-8
Binding: Paperback
Page Count: 304

Publisher: Image

Language: English
Release Date: 2011-09-06



Introduction: The Catholic Matter

Chapter one
Amazed and Afraid: The Revelation of God Become Man

Chapter 2
Happy Are We: The Teachings of Jesus

Chapter 3
"That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be Thought":
The Ineffable Mystery of God

Chapter iv

Our tainted Nature'southward Alone Boast: Mary, the Mother of God

Chapter 5

The Indispensable Men: Peter, Paul, and the Missionary Adventure

Chapter 6
A Body Both Suffering and Glorious:
The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church

Affiliate 7
Discussion Fabricated Flesh, True Bread of Heaven:

The Mystery of the Church's Sacrament and Worship

Chapter viii
A Vast Company of Witnesses: The Communion of Saints

Chapter ix
The Fire of His Love: Prayer and the Life of the Spirit

Chapter 10
Globe Without End: The Concluding Things

A Coda: Information technology's All About God



Bishop Robert Barron is Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and founder of Word on Burn down Cosmic Ministries. He received a master'south degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of America in 1982 and a doctorate in sacred theology from the Institut Catholique de Paris in 1992.

Bishop Barron was ordained a priest in 1986 in the Archdiocese of Chicago, so appointed to the theological faculty of Mundelein Seminary in 1992. He has also served every bit a visiting professor at the University of Notre Matriarch and at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas. He was twice scholar in residence at the Pontifical North American College at the Vatican.

He served as the Rector/President of Mundelein Seminary / Academy of St. Mary of the Lake from 2012 until 2015.

What People Are Saying...

Clarity, intelligence, passion and elegance – these are the marks of a author in top course, and Father Barron brings all these gifts to comport in this extraordinary reflection on the Catholic faith. If you lot read one book this yr on what Catholics believe and why, this is the volume to read – and to share with others.

O.F.Thousand. Cap, Archbishop of Philadelphia

Father Robert Barron's Catholicism: A Journey to the Middle of the Faith takes a path less traveled in leading us to explore the religion through stories, biographies, and images. In these pages, we meet the "Word made Flesh" non only in theological formulations, only as well in saints and poets, cathedrals and chants, priests and prophets. What makes Catholicism so compelling are the ways in which Male parent Barron shows how the Incarnation goes on in the true, the good, and the beautiful.

Set yourself for an entrancing tour of the many facets of Catholicism. From Her art to Her compages, Her theological riches, to the inspired personalities that accept filled Her pews, the Cosmic Church is laid bare past a priest who is more than upwards to the task. Like the Faith it seeks to capture, it is a journey that will get out you lot total – and then hungering for more than.

New York Times Bestselling Author of Mother Angelica and host of EWTN's The World Over Live

When Male parent Barron is talking, I tin't stop listening. Whatever he writes, I tin't put down unfinished. He loves the people he addresses. He writes about what matters to usa. To read him is to exist loved in word subsequently word. In these pages, heart speaks to heart.

co-author of The Mass: The Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition

Begetter Robert Barron's cracking gift is to wed intellectual depth with clarity and vividness of expression. His Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith is a superb exploration of the Cosmic vision that seamlessly unites theological reflection and masterpieces of architecture and art. The story he tells comes truly alive in his portraits of concrete men and women who, in every age, have lived the journeying of faith to the full.

Associate Professor of Theology at Boston Higher